Courage, Risks & Rewards Coaching Program

High Performance Coach

Dear Friend

If you’re here, you’re ready for a change. (Right? Right!)
And if you’re reading this, some of the following probably sounds familiar:

You know that in order to create change, you have to take risks. But taking risks often stops you in your tracks, because you have a lot to lose.

Although you seek change, you’re afraid of making a big mistake and not being able to recover from it.

Your life is “safe,” as it is. But right now, “safe” feels synonymous with “boring and mediocre”! You want your life to be GREAT… and you know you need to take some chances in order for that to happen, but you’re not sure which chances to take.

Your gut is telling you it’s time to take actioneven if that means moving beyond your comfort zone – but your mind is telling you, “That’s just crazy!”

You’re afraid taking a risk might result in failure, embarrassment, rejection, or loss … so you stick with what you know, even though you believe you could be happier and more fulfilled.

If any of these resonate with you, then I have good news: you’re in the right place, and you’re not alone.

It’s not your fault you shy away from risk. As humans, we’re hard-wired to remain “safe,” even if what we want most falls outside of that place.

Therefore, millions of people avoid taking risks and stepping outside their comfort zones.

The result: millions of people end up feeling stuck, like they’re not living their full potential, and like there must be more to life.

You don't have to be one of them.

You Absolutely Can Learn How to Access the Courage to Take Healthy Risks.
And When You Do, You’ll Reap the Rewards in Terms of Fulfillment and Satisfaction.

Each of these individuals took risks. They failed. They picked themselves up and tried again. They risked, over and over again.


Because they knew they had more to gain than they did to lose.

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And that's what I want you to realize, right here, right now:

You too have more to gain than you do to lose.

Now, this isn’t to say that taking risks is comfortable, by any means.

No one likes to lose, or to fail, or to be embarrassed.

But if you never take risks, you never know what you're truly capable of.

So how do you know which risks are healthy, and which really are crazy? And when you know which risks are healthy, how do you actually take that leap?

You begin right here.

I’d like to invite you to join me for my course…

Courage, Risks and Rewards

Taking Chances to Change Your Life!

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn when you enroll:

scherer coaching program module 1

Taking a Chance and Making a Mistake

If you’ve ever held back from doing something because it was too risky, then it’s time to change the way you think about taking risks/chances. You see, taking chances is an integral part of life! It’s natural to experience fear or trepidation, and it’s also very possible to overcome them… when you have the right tools.

During this module, you'll learn:

✔️ Why people often shy away from taking risks, and how to begin changing your mindset around doing so.

✔️ Why risk-taking is essential if you want your life to change for the better, and how to determine whether you’re willing to take a certain risk (or not!).

✔️ What you need to know about the perspective that can impact your willingness to take chances.

And more.

scherer coaching program module 2

Your Attitude Toward Taking Chances

You’re taking chances, all day, every day … whether you realize it or not. Every time you get in your car, walk across the street, or get on a flight, you’re taking a risk. You can’t completely avoid risk taking. What you CAN do is shift your attitude toward taking chances.

During this module, you'll learn:

✔️ What can help or hamper your efforts when you’re taking a risk.

✔️ The truth about being “safe,” and the truth about doing nothing.

✔️ An exercise for determining how courageous you feel about specific activities that require different degrees of risk.

And more.

scherer coaching program module 3

Why We Avoid Taking Risks & What Supports Risk Taking

Here, we’ll continue to explore what it means to have courage, take risks, and reap the rewards. We take a deeper look at the positive side of risk taking. Once you’ve discovered why you avoid taking risks, we’ll explore how to put supports in place to help you take more healthy risks.

During this module, you'll learn:

✔️ How in some cases, our desire to avoid dumb risks also means we miss smart risks that come our way … and how to recognize those smart risks when they cross your path.

✔️ What you need to do before you stretch outside of your comfort zone to take new chances.

✔️ 5 powerful perspectives on risk taking that will empower you to take more chances.

✔️ Why risk-taking isn’t necessarily about doing more, and what it means, instead.

And more.

scherer coaching program module 4

Your Attitude Toward Taking Chances

People often avoid taking risks because they’re afraid of what they’ll lose. It’s time to shift your perspective and consider, instead, what you’ll gain if the risk pays off.

During this module, you'll learn:

✔️ A process by which you can determine whether you’re willing to take a certain risk, based on what you have to gain.

✔️ A new, logical approach to risk-taking that makes “losing” irrelevant.

✔️ What’s bound to happen if you consistently take risks in life.

And more.

scherer coaching program module 5

Review and Lock It In

Here, we’ll review what you’ve learned so far, and you’ll answer a final set of questions to lock in the new information.

ana scherer coaching program module

In Short, Courage, Risks and Rewards Gives You Everything You Need to Shift Your Perspective around Taking the Risks Necessary to Step out of Our Comfort Zone and into Your Full Potential, Success, and Fulfillment.

Now, you may be wondering how we’re going to cover all this.

First, I want you to know it’s my mission to empower you to take control of your life and begin making changes that allow you to reach your full potential.

That being said, when you enroll in Courage, Risks and Rewards, you receive:

That being said, how much is that ability worth to you?

Is it worth $5,000? $1,000?

I’m asking you for only a fraction of that.

For a one-time payment of just $97, you get this entire course—and a life-changing shift in perspective when it comes to taking risks.

That’s less than you’d spend on a date night or a few tickets to a sporting event. And you’re receiving the tools you need to make a mindset shift that has the potential to change your life as you step outside of your comfort zone and reach your full potential.

guarantee 30 white
Plus, you make this investment at no risk, because you’re covered by my 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee. That is, invest in the program. Put the practices to use. If, within 30 days of your investment, you’re not satisfied, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.

Are you ready, or do you still have a few questions?

I’ve included some of the questions I hear most frequently, and my answers, to help you decide whether Courage, Risks and Rewards is a good match for you.

A: Because I’m so committed to your ability to create the change you want to see in your life, I’ve kept this program affordable. Consider this the first risk you take when it comes to changing your life … including your financial situation. With what you learn in this program, you’ll have the mindset necessary for taking risks that pay off financially, whether it’s asking for a raise or finding and landing a new, better-paying job.
A: I understand! Because I know how busy life can be, I’ve kept these sessions quick and to-the-point. The exercises take only a few minutes each, and I’m confident you can find the time in your schedule to fit them in, if learning how to create change is important to you. It’s my belief that this time investment will pay off when you discover skills for making your life what you want it to be … you’ll find that you know how to make time for the things you love most!

A: I’m confident that if you take this program seriously and complete the exercises, you’ll learn how to take healthy risks with confidence. However, if the program doesn’t meet your expectations, you can ask for a refund within 30 days of your investment.

A: You’ll actually experience transformation while you go through this program. I won’t give you homework assignments, but you’ll complete transformative exercises as you listen to the modules. By the time you complete them, you will have shifted your mindset around risk taking, and that is where change begins.

So NOW are you ready ?

Sign Me Up!

Courage, Risks and Rewards Coaching Program

One-time payment $97

ana scherer speech

You can continue on as you have, remaining safe—but dissatisfied—inside your comfort zone.


What’s it going to be?

To creating the change you want to see,


P.S. Take this chance. Change your life! Don’t think about what you have to lose… what do you have to gain? Sign up here, now:

coaching program

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